Saturday, July 19, 2014

Volcano Irazu

A few weekends ago (6/28) I went to Cartago with my friend Charlie. Many of you know Pilar (or remember me talking about her on here) well Charlie is her nephew who lives here in San Jose. He took me to the movies here one night, and we decided that the next day we would travel to Cartago to see the Volcano Irazu, and also to a famous church to see "la negrita" which you can read about here. It was a pretty quick trip, and it was a lot of fun. Instead of writing about it here, I will attach pictures and describe them as I go :)

 This is the crater of the volcano. It used to be filled in this weird green lagoon type stuff, but not anymore. 

 The crater stats: Depth: 300meters Diameter 1,050meters

Another picture of the crater. It was really cool. 

Random green plant life everywhere around the crater, it was the strangest thing! 

Coatimundis that we came across. Charlie was feeding them crackers. 

They were so cute! 

The volcano from a higher viewing point.

It was so large!

Took this for my Nana. She loves L.L. Bean

This was the viewing tower we went up in to see the view!

 Basílica de Nuestra Señora de los Ángeles. On August 2nd, people from all over the country walk to this church to give thanks to the virgin. I can't wait to see it!

 It was really pretty, my grandma would love it. We were able to go inside, but they were having mass so I didn't take any pictures. 

Under the church where "la negrita" is, they have all these glass cases with different things in them. This case was arms and baby charms. People put them here for healing from the virgin when something is wrong with a certain part of their body, etc. 

The Story

The famous statue.

It was pretty small, but neat! 

Here is another case that people bring things to put in. 

These two held trophies and things, giving thanks to the virgin for watching/helping them through events in their lives. 

This one was filled with animals, I'm assuming sick, or animals that have passed away. In total, there were probably 15 of these cases with so many things in them, it was neat to see how a certain religion and population respond to things. 

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