Thursday, May 8, 2014


For those of you who do not know me, or who may not know what I do, I am a 7th grade Math teacher at a Middle School in Round Rock, Texas. I graduated from Texas State University in December of 2013 and began my career with RRISD in January 2014. Since being there, I have had the opportunity to work with some of the most amazing students, and even more amazing co workers. 

Before accepting the job with RRISD, I previously had an offer to teach English abroad in San Jose, Costa Rica...and who would be crazy enough to pass up that opportunity?! With the support of my amazing Principal, we agreed on a date that I could leave, so here I am! May 13th 2014 is the beginning of my three month journey abroad and this blog will be used to keep everyone involved in my, friends, co workers and most importantly my students(who I already miss so much!!). 

Throughout the next few months I will be posting pictures and sharing my thoughts and experiences. Please note that although I will be teaching English in Costa Rica, my degree is in Math and Science, so don't peg me on all my possible grammar/spelling errors ;) I will also be attempting to keep up with my Instagram while here, you can follow my at @msbishopsadventures

To learn more about the program that I will be working for and how I stumbled upon this opportunity, feel free to venture around the following websites:  I met this lovely recruiting company back in November when I attended a Job Fair at Texas State University.  the program that will be hosting me while in Costa Rica.  the school system that I will be working at. My location is in the Central Valley of San Jose on Paseo Colón. 

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