Monday, May 19, 2014

You can't trust technology!

Tonight after school I wrote a very long post about my week so far here in Costa Rica. I was waiting for my internet to start working before I could post it, and what do you know...the draft some how deleted itself! 

I am very tired tonight, but I will re write everything tomorrow after work. For now, a brief overview of my stay so far. Everything has been great! My family is very nice and my students are very excited to have me there to teach them. Things in Costa Rica are very different from America so I am still trying to adjust to their ways of life. I am also having a very hard time with the language barrier, but I will soon get past that. I have many students who want to have "cafesita" (coffee) with me after school and teach me Spanish. 

Hasta maƱana 

Buenas noches! 

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